Wednesday, July 18, 2012

 Loving Alabama....
If you live in Alabama, have you thought about how blessed you are? I was driving down Sweeney Hollow Road today and passed a church sign that read, "Is your worship more than a song?" I have passed the sign several times the past week or so, and it has made me pray that my worship WOULD be more than a song. What does this have to do with being blessed to live in Alabama, you ask? Well, as I passed the sign today, I thought, "Where else in the world would you be able to drive down the road and just look to your right and be reminded of a truth from the Bible?" I mean, at any given place around here, you pass various churches with scripture on them. We even have a local mechanic that puts scripture on his sign; a new one every week. Now, there are the cheesy church signs. The ones that say stuff like: "Do you like ice cream? If so, then come try our Sundaes!" Or......"Eternity: Smoking or non-smoking? YOUR CHOICE." I absolutely hate those.
But seriously, I began to think today of different things I love about Alabama. It is such a blessing to live in a place where there is soooo much access to materials to encourage spiritual growth. Just turn on the radio, or go to the Christian bookstore, or look at a church sign. It makes me feel so bad about the way I take it for granted. In other places in the world, they are just aching to have the scriptures in their own language.
Other blessings of Alabama in random order as they come to mind:
Less than five hours from mountains.
Less than five hours from beaches.
Many Bible teaching churches.
Wonderful people.
Plenty of empty land to farm.
No casinos!! (Ok, Luke says I am technically wrong about that. But at least there is no lottery and there are no big huge casino resorts like there are in Mississippi!)

Of course, I know I am biased :) But today I praise the LORD for where He has let me live. I don't want to take His blessings for granted.


L enjoying Alabama!!
J doing what you do in the summer in Alabama!
There is so much bounty to be thankful for in Alabama!!